Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yes, It's April, and I Have Not Posted Since October

However, I do have a good reason! I have been spending my free time really developing my plot and characters for my first novel. I don't want to give away much detail just yet, but it will be a psychological thriller set in Atlanta. The protagonist, Tessa Connolly, will encounter a series of twists and turns in her life that make her question everything she has ever believed about herself and her past. The novel's title will be "What Lies Inside" (now you see where my blog title came from).

I am also working on a non-fiction book about my adventures as a corporate recruiter. While on the surface that may not seem too exciting, I have been telling my stories for almost 3 years now and people are absolutely astonished and amused at the behavior of adult human beings during a telephone interview. It will definitely be a light-hearted book that makes the reader laugh while taking secret mental notes of what NOT to do in an interview.

And finally, I am also working on a non-fiction book about my own life. From the moment of conception (which was an absolute miracle according to my mother's physician), my life has been filled with both challenges and miracles. I was a two-year-old whose pediatrician informed my parents that I would not live past the age of 5. My entire life has been spent celebrating the fact that he was wrong. And I feel blessed to have always been aware of my own mortality. It certainly has taught me to enjoy every day even if it means starting the day soaking in a hot tub of water for an hour just to be sure I can even walk.

So there you go. My excuses are, I believe, legitimate. However, I hope to use this blog as a vehicle to share the progress I am making on my projects and to start getting my name and work samples "out there" for people to see.

Now, I'm off to spend some quality time with Tessa Connolly, a beautiful redhead who just doesn't realize yet what is about to hit her.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see what lies ahead for you and your writing Tina!!
