Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Creative Breakthrough

Fiction writing is something new to me. I have written a few short stories in my life (mainly when I was younger) but have never seriously attempted anything like a novel. I've been reading everything I can get my hands on about character development. And one thing I read in Writer's Digest suggested the same type of process that many actors utilize: method acting. Actors such as Robert DeNiro have used this methodology for years, and it involves the actor bringing up past emotions in his or her life to "match" the tone of the emotion needed for the project the actor is working on.

This can be adapted for authors as well. I have been focusing on doing that with my lead character, Tessa. And I was actually able to immerse myself into her life by bringing in some of my own experiences and emotions. In fact, I did it so well, that when I was describing a scene with Tessa and her boyfriend, Bradley, I slipped into first person and called him *my* boyfriend. My husband was very proud of me for being able to become my character. I had never had this happen before, and I felt like I had broken through a critical barrier. Tessa is not just dwelling in my computer anymore. She has become a real person to me.

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